Publicado em Carla Barcelos, EUA, Footnotes Tap Ensemble

EUA – Footnotes Tap Ensemble

A brasileira Carla Barcelos (SP), atualmente integrante da Footnotes Tap Ensemble, em North Carolina, EUA, enviou folder sobre as apresentações que a companhia fará em março de 2008. Abaixo, um texto sobre a compahnhia, que tem coreografias assinadas por coreógrafos que já estiveram no Brasil ministrando aulas, como Michelle Dorrance, Lane Alexander e Gene Medler:

Footnotes Tap Ensemble, is a professional tap company founded in 2002. The company performs at community concerts and annual ensemble concerts, provides workshops to dance communities and commissions famous tap choreographers such as Josh Hilberman, Michelle Dorrance, Lane Alexander, Dorothy Wasserman and Gene Medler.

Highlights from past seasons include dancing with Bela Fleck and the Flecktones and Bantapaba, a collaborative concert with Taylor Roberts Music and The African American Dance Ensemble. The Ensemble has danced extensively throughout the Triangle, in Chicago, Charlotte NC, Bedford Virginia and headlined for the Roxboro Jazz Festival in 2007. The company is known for its community concert series which includes on average 15 performances per year for benefits and the under-served such as the elderly and hospitalized children.